Maher Attacks Ten Commandments As 'Dumb, Ancient Bronze Age List'

June 22nd, 2024 10:11 AM

When it comes to HBO’s Bill Maher, you can sometimes take the liberalism out of the atheist, but you cannot take the atheism out of the liberal. Reacting to Louisiana passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public school classrooms on Friday’s Real Time, Maher didn’t just attack the idea as a violation of the First Amendment, but claimed the Ten Commandments themselves are just a “dumb, ancient Bronze Age list” that is “all about God and His big fucking ego.”

During his panel discussion with former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and former Illinois Rep. turned CNN talking head Adam Kinzinger, Maher declared that “There's no morals, hardly any morals in the Ten Commandments anyway.”



In an attempt to prove his point, he proceeded to run through each commandment, “The first four are all just about God's ego, thou shalt not have other gods before me, thou shalt not worship false idols, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It's all about God and His big fucking ego.”

Moving on, Maher was unimpressed with, “Number five: honor thy mother and father, like you couldn't have figured that out on your own.”

You might think thou shalt not murder would be obvious too, but after the godless ideologies of, not the 7th, but the 20th century, maybe not. Speaking of not murdering, Maher continued, “The only two that are laws, thou shalt not kill, thou shall not steal, then there's adultery, ha, ha, Donald Trump.”

Concluding the list, Maher huffed, “Bear false witness, which I guess is lying and not covet thy neighbor’s shit, you know, it's just a dumb, ancient Bronze Age list, it doesn't have rape, slavery, or child abuse on it.”

That’s because those sins would violate already mentioned commandments against stealing, covetousness, adultery, and even murder, and that ancient list has stood the test of time, unlike so many modern ideologies.

Here is a transcript for the June 21 show:

HBO Real Time with Bill Maher


10:43 PM ET

BILL MAHER: There's no morals, hardly any morals in the Ten Commandments anyway. I found them. Okay. Really. The first four are all just about God's ego, thou shalt not have other gods before me, thou shalt not worship false idols, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It's all about God and His big fucking ego. 

Number five: honor thy mother and father, like you couldn't have figured that out on your own. The only two that are laws, thou shalt not kill, thou shall not steal, then there's adultery, ha, ha, Donald Trump.

Bear false witness, which I guess is lying and not covet thy neighbor’s shit, you know, it's just a dumb, ancient Bronze Age list, it doesn't have rape, slavery or child abuse on it.