Univision Pushes Disinfectant Fake News

April 29th, 2020 2:06 PM

The nation´s Spanish speaking networks joined their mainstream counterparts in a fake news offensive against President Trump, following his comments on a study about the role of disinfectants and UV light in killing the coronavirus. Bill Bryan, head of the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security, gave a brief description of the study during a daily update on the coronavirus from the White House.

Rather than reporting what the President actually said, Jorge Ramos invited Dr. Elmer Huertas- a university professor and public health specialist, “in order to speak in a real and safe manner about confronting the coronavirus” (effectively calling Donald Trump both a liar and dangerous). Watch him in action in this video from his interview on Univision’s Al Punto on Sunday, April 26, 2020:



JORGE RAMOS: This is what the doctors say: "Please do not ingest or inject yourself with disinfectant to fight coronavirus." This warning comes after President Donald Trump said at a press conference that the possibility of disinfectant injections was something that needed to be explored.


I don't even want to try to get into President Trump's head, but why would he say something like that?


ELMER HUERTAS, MD: Well, Mr. Trump is known for not liking vaccines; he doesn't believe in climate change. He's completely challenging his scientific advisors.


So what we're seeing is that he just doesn't believe in science, and I

dare say that, from a scientific point of view, he's an illiterate.

For starters, the seven-and-a-half -minute report made only a passing reference to Bryan’s brief on the DHS study. Furthermore, Jorge Ramos purposely left out the most telling words spoken by the President, squeezed in between what Univision did show to its audience: (President Trump)- “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And there is a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs (Omitted: “and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.”)  So it would be interesting to check that. (Omitted: “So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.”)

Ramos then framed his questions to Huertas: “A lot of people are confused after what President Donald Trump said. Disinfectants, doctor, are very dangerous if they are ingested or injected, correct?”

To which Huertas answered: “Jorge, not only are they dangerous they are poison, they are poison. And bleach, which is one of the two disinfectants discussed at the White House press conference, when taken in concentration can corrode the esophagus and stomach and cause very serious damage.” 

Univison had plenty of time to speak about the role of the two disinfectants discussed by Bryan, but they chose to go with the same talking points coming out of the DNC, endlessly parroted by the mainstream media, to wit: That Trump does not like vaccines (?); that he doesn't believe in climate change and that he challenges his scientific advisors.

The political intention of Dr. Huertas’ “medical” advice flew off the television screen: “Yesterday at the press conference he (Trump) had said, oh, Thursday, I´m sorry, he said that if his chief advisor, Dr. Fauci, said that the country was not yet ready to say that it has all the tests and that they are being done in adequate numbers, he would cheerfully contradict him. So what we're seeing is that he just doesn't believe in science, and I dare say that, from a scientific point of view, he's an illiterate.”

Quite the accusation from a scientist playing politics. Physician, heal thyself.

Click on Expand to view the complete transcript.

JORGE RAMOS: This is what the doctors say: "Please do not ingest or inject yourself with disinfectant to fight coronavirus." This warning comes after President Donald Trump said at a press conference that the possibility of disinfectant injections was something that needed to be explored.

This is what he said.

DONALD TRUMP: And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute.  One minute.  And there is a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.  Because you see it gets in the lungs (Omitted: “and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.”)  So it would be interesting to check that. 

RAMOS: That's what President Donald Trump says about disinfectants. Now, in order to speak in a real and safe manner about confronting the coronavirus, we invited Dr. Elmer Huertas, a professor at George Washington University and a public health specialist. Dr. Huertas, thank you for coming back here to the program.

HUERTAS: Hello Jorge, delighted to be with you and with the viewers.

RAMOS: It seems obvious but a lot of people are confused after what President Donald Trump said. Disinfectants, doctor, are very dangerous if they are ingested or injected, correct?

HUERTAS: Jorge, not only are they dangerous they are poison, they are poison. And bleach, which is one of the two disinfectants discussed at the White House press conference, when taken in concentration can corrode the esophagus and stomach and cause very serious damage. So from a public health point of view and as a doctor I tell you: please do not attempt to take or consume disinfectants that are very powerful poisons and can obviously be very, very bad for your health.

RAMOS: That is, disinfectants should be used exclusively for surfaces and nothing else.

HUERTAS: Absolutely, and the two disinfectants that were talked about at the White House, one is bleach- which only a tablespoon should be added to a gallon of water and that is a very good disinfectant for surfaces. The other one is isopropyl alcohol, which is a concentrated alcohol in the hand gel we use when there is no soap and water. Both should not be ingested or injected in any way.

RAMOS: I don't even want to try to get into President Trump's head, but why would he say something like that?

HUERTAS: Well, Mr. Trump is known for not liking vaccines; he doesn't believe in climate change. He's completely challenging his scientific advisors. Yesterday at the press conference he had said, oh, Thursday, I´m sorry, he said that if his chief advisor, Dr. Fauci, said that the country was not yet ready to say that it has all the tests and that they are being done in adequate numbers, he cheerfully contradicted him. So what we're seeing is that he just doesn't believe in science, and I dare say that, from a scientific point of view, he's an illiterate.