WATCH: David Marcus Blasts Google as Not a ‘Neutral Arbiter’ on MRC UnCensored

August 9th, 2024 6:55 PM

Americans are waking up to the Google leviathan feeding Americans with biased news, Fox News columnist and author David Marcus said in an interview on MRC's UnCensored.

The interview, hosted by MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider, touched on growing evidence that Google is actively putting its thumb on the scale of the 2024 election. However, Marcus was not quite sure Americans have fully grasped how deeply embedded Google's leftist bias is.

“I don’t think they understand the extent to which Google is not a neutral arbiter,” Marcus said in the 12-minute interview published on Friday. “They probably assume what they’re getting is whatever website has the most hits or something like that,” he added, “as opposed to an algorithm that’s pushing things in a specific direction.”

Marcus noted however that Americans are relatively familiar with the rampant censorship on social media networks. “I think they understand a little more in regard to social media as opposed to search functions,” Marcus told Schneider. “In social media, a lot of people are sort of aware of what happened when Musk took over and the concept of free speech on social media.”

ICYMI! Google Won’t Let Up! Search Giant Turns Users to Harris in Searches for Completely Different Names

In the interview, Marcus suggested that even X owner Elon Musk might not fully grasp how his platform's algorithms function. Three MRC Free Speech America studies have shown that X's algorithm, likely because of Jack Dorsey’s censorship, favors left-leaning media while suppressing right-leaning sources.

One study revealed that X's algorithm amplifies Vice President Kamala Harris while diminishing the visibility of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), President Donald Trump's running mate. Another study found that congressional Democrats are promoted, while Republicans are sidelined.

Read MRC’s Latest Studies Here! Dorsey’s Ghost Still Haunts X: Left-Leaning Media Hailed, 74% of Right-Leaning Media Punished

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