Fox Comedy Celebrates Blasphemous 'Fashion of the Christ' Costume Party for Holy Week

March 27th, 2018 11:35 PM

Fox’s new comedy LA to Vegas usually takes the unfortunate middle ground between the mostly harmless Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the obnoxious The Mick. The latest episode, however, breaks the curve with a commercialized smack against Christianity. What a time to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The March 27 episode “Bernard’s Birthday” takes place at the Bible-themed birthday party of gay male flight attendant Bernard (Nathan Lee Graham) and…well, that alone leads to some questionable moments even before the party starts, from mocking The Passion of the Christ to discussing dressing as "sexy" people from the Bible.



Ronnie: Relax. Your parties are always incredible. They get better and better every year.

Bernard: You think that's by accident? It takes work. You just don't throw together an avant-garde Bible-themed "Fashion of the Christ" costume party. Speaking of which, what's the costume?

Ronnie: Well, I was thinking of being a sexy Rachel from Laban, Genesis 29:16. It's a deep cut.

Bernard: No deep cuts! Stick to the hits.

Dave: Hey there, team. Enough chitchat, Bernie, let's get to work-- two choices. I've got sexy Nebuchadnezzar, or sexy Goliath. I'm leaning towards Goliath because it shows off my thighs, and they're my second-best feature. Meaty but lean, like a fine Turkey chili.

Bernard: Goliath will be fine.

Dave: Yes!

The rest of the party turns into one big blasphemy nightmare. Events at the party include a burning bush s'mores station, foot-washing station, a magician turning the water into merlot wine, and a photo booth for people to pose as the baby Jesus (see image above). Everyone attending dresses as some form of biblical figure including Ronnie (Kim Matula) eventually going as the Virgin Mary and her two potential love interests Colin (Ed Weeks) and Bryan (Zachary Knighton) as Joseph. However, Bernard does inform Ronnie that she’d have to stick with one “because I don't remember Mary having two Josephs. Although that is a Bible I'd read.” The party then ends with the entire cast organized in a recreation of the Last Supper, just in time for Holy Week.



That’s pretty much the extent of any religious knowledge we will get out of TV nowadays. Artsy nonsense with the occasional jab. A 2000-year-old religion practiced by billions apparently deserves nothing better. I just look forward to Bernard’s next birthday tackling the Koran during Ramadan, but I doubt that would be as “avant-garde.”