When you think of the Holy Land, typically holy things come to mind. It’s a land greater than humanity itself…. the birthplace of civilization. You likely wouldn’t think of Paterson, New Jersey, a Democrat-turned dump.
Let’s just say… that’s a different kind of hole.
But its Jihad-loving mayor places Paterson right up there with Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina! In fact, he claims it’s the capital of the mythical nation, “Palestine,” a territory governed by Islamic terrorists.
There is no clearer omen of a free society’s downfall when its leaders go from wiping its founders from every building facade and statue, to renaming their city after our foreign enemies, all to pander to a voting block of foreigners who pledge allegiance to those enemies.
On this episode of “Woke of the Weak,” we discuss the Left’s not so holy support for terrorism and their double standards when it comes to free speech for violent foreigners versus our own citizens.