If you can’t take the heat, don’t let male trannies play your game. That’s the lesson for the Women’s Professional Golf Association for allowing a man to win its Australia Women’s Classic at Bonville tournament Sunday. It’s bad enough that a trans fraud was allowed to play with the ladies, but when the WPGA’s Twitter account blew up with protest, the association got even more cowardly and turned off the reply button.
The male Breanna Gill won Sunday’s tournament. According to WPGA Australia’s tweet, he did so by “Showing nerves of steel.” He also showed the biceps of masculinity.
This was not the first time Gill won a women’s golf tournament either. During his eight years on the ladies tour, he’s cheated real women out of victory before. He won the Qantas Golf Challenge and the New Caledonia Women’s Pro-Am both in 2018, and the New Zealand Women’s Pro-Am in 2019.
On Sunday, Gill sank a three-foot putt for the win, then got sprayed with champagne in a celebration by people ignoring the obvious: the “lady” is a dude. His dream came true, he explained …
“I always thought in my head if I ever got the opportunity to actually win a golf tournament and the girls happen to come running out on the green, I was going to stand there and take it. I wasn’t going to run away. If you get yourself in that position, you just take it. It was so special.”
Gill isn't the first man to win a golf title intended to go to someone with XX chromosomes. Hailey Davidson won a U.S. mini tour title in 2021.
The WPGA glossed over the gender controversy and did not mention Gill’s actual gender, stating: "Gill Basks in the Glory of Australian Women's Classic Win". The omission triggered many folks, including Megyn Kelly, who tweeted:
“This is a biological man, a fact not even mentioned in much of the major press coverage celebrating ‘her’ win over the actual women in this tournament. It’s a fraud, it’s immoral, and it HAS TO STOP.”
Others called it cheating and asked why a man was allowed to compete in a women’s sports event. Another person parodied the WPGA’s tweet, writing: “Showing balls of steel, Breanna Gill cheated by competing against women even though he's male, for his first professional win. This is not something to celebrate, just another cheat.”
A wife, mother, pediatrician posted a real gem – a sign stating, “Women’s sport is not a retirement plan for failed male athletes.”
Former college swimmer Riley Gaines, who competed against Penn U. trans fraud William “Lia” Thomas last year, asked, "Who's surprised a male is being recognized as the 'winner' in the women's category?"
All of this was just too much for the WPGA’s nerves of Jello. Its social media director blocked others who wanted to call out the woke organization contributing to the demise of women’s sports integrity.
When the going gets tough, the tough melt down and end Twitter discussions going south.