Actress Alyssa Milano Uses Valentine’s Day to Fundraise For Hateful SPLC

February 14th, 2018 2:59 PM

Why does Hollywood think that a lefty hate group deserves donations on Valentine’s Day?

The leap of logic was promoted by actress Alyssa Milano, who partnered with the organization Love is Louder to fundraise for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Milano tweeted an encouragement to her followers, “Let’s inspire young people to embrace diversity and practice tolerance, respect, and acceptance,” and linked to the SPLC website. CNN’s Van Jones also tweeted his support for the project.

The announcement on the Love is Louder site states, “Together, we’re using our voices, social media platforms and resources to help raise awareness and funds for initiatives like the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Teaching Tolerance Project” and Love is Louder’s online and campus-based programs, to inspire young people to embrace the diversity of our world’s cultures and practice tolerance, respect and acceptance in their daily lives – on and offline.”

The “Teaching Tolerance Project,” started by the SPLC, is a project that claims to have “eradicate intolerance” as its mission, but in reality publishes articles about making sure white students understand “white guilt.” So much for love being louder, as Milano emphasized. Just make sure you donate to the project, no questions asked.

The SPLC is the same left-wing source that carefully constructed a “hate map,” with the names and locations of organizations that fail to meet its liberal standards for “tolerance.” Lumped in with the names of local white supremacist groups and KKK chapters are prominent conservative groups like ACT for America, Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Family Research Council (FRC).

This same hate map was cited by the Family Research Council shooter Floyd Lee Corkins when he attacked the FRC. In the wake of the Charlottesville incident this August, liberal media have decided to embrace the SPLC’s definition of hate groups, and have targeted conservative groups under the SPLC label. The SPLC was also liked by the Scalise shooter, James Hodgkinson.