Guess Which Radical Soros-Funded DA Could Let DNC Rioters Walk

August 21st, 2024 9:47 AM

With hordes of anti-Israel protesters descending on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week, attention has turned to the jurisdiction’s top prosecutor, a Soros-funded extremist.

Cook County District Attorney (DA) Kim Foxx is one of the most prolific of the 126 Soros prosecutors MRC documented in its August 12 Special Report. Foxx has built a career protecting the left’s allies, coddling criminals and colluding with anti-American groups backed by leftist activists George and Alexander Soros. 

Like many other Soros prosecutors such as New York County DA Alvin Bragg, Foxx worked with the Soros groups Fair & Just Prosecution (FJP) and the Vera Institute for Justice, coordinating with both organizations in private “convenings.” The Soros groups direct the prosecutors’ messaging, connect them with legacy media outlets like The Washington Post and oversee the implementation of office staffing and public policy. 

FJP instructed Soros prosecutors to sign statements and pledges to set their agenda, covering hot button political issues like sex-change surgeries for minors, abortion, and Second Amendment rights. Foxx was one of the most prolific of these attorneys, signing twenty-eight separate statements. She also worked with FJP to lobby courts on thirty-one different occasions.  

Foxx is a radical leftist activist, having pushed the Illinois legislature to entirely eliminate cash bail — making it the first and only state in the nation to do so. As a result this so-called “reform” which Foxx so aggressively supported, the rioters arrested during Monday’s demonstrations may be free to return to the protests this week.  

Chicago police may note Foxx’s affiliation with FJP, an organization which prioritizes the prosecution of police. On at least 12 separate occasions, FJP sent out celebratory emails when one of their network prosecutors indicted or convicted a police officer. FJP implied that indicting officers was some sort of competition, rejoicing that “in the last 18 months, [George Gascon’s] office has charged 19 police officers.” At least one of the indictments FJP celebrated was repeatedly found to be baseless. 

Foxx’s collusion with Soros organizations began before she was even elected DA. According to the New York Post, Soros groups “contributed $300,000 to Foxx’s first campaign in 2016,” and then spent another $2 million to get her reelected. 

Under Foxx’s watch, Cook County exceeded 1,000 annual homicides for the first time in twenty-seven years. In June,  federal prosecutors had to step in to try two gangsters for allegedly murdering a National Guardsman after Foxx refused to indict anyone for the crime. 

Foxx is perhaps best known for her repeated attempts to erase the charges against hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett. Smollett, a black actor on the TV show Empire, filed a police report falsely  claiming to have been beaten and forced to wear a noose by white men shouting “this is MAGA country.”  

Media Research Center’s Vice President of Free Speech Dan Schneider warned, “Given Foxx’s sympathy toward criminals like Smollett and her alliance with a group known for targeting innocent cops, she is more likely to charge the police officers who have sworn to uphold the law than to go after the rioters who have vowed to break the law.”

The DNC began Monday and will continue through Thursday. The Republican National Convention (RNC) was conducted last month in the jurisdiction of a different Soros prosecutor, Milwaukee DA John Chisholm. 

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