CNN Finds 'Capitalist' Lesson in Trick-or-Treating

October 30th, 2009 10:23 AM

CNN’s “American Morning” condemned socialism and praised capitalism on Oct. 30. No, they weren’t discussing big bailouts or entrepreneurs. They were talking about Halloween candy.


“Okay. This is the most, this is the most capitalist of holi– this holiday is so capitalist. It’s about getting the most for the least amount of work right,” exclaimed business correspondent Christine Romans.

CNN’s “American Morning” condemned socialism and praised capitalism on Oct. 30. No, they weren’t discussing big bailouts or entrepreneurs. They were talking about Halloween candy.


“Okay. This is the most, this is the most capitalist of holi– this holiday is so capitalist. It’s about getting the most for the least amount of work right,” exclaimed business correspondent Christine Romans.


Romans was telling anchors John Roberts and Kiran Chetry that tracks the best neighborhoods for trick-or-treating based on “how rich the neighborhood is, how drivable it is, its crime rate – so that you can teach your children to make sure they can get the most, best candy with the least amount of effort. I love that.”


The segment also included an attack on socialism, pertaining to the redistribution of candy.


“Maybe this is why I’m a business reporter,” Romans said. “My mom took all my candy – four kids – divided it up equally and then gave it all back to us in equal amounts and I was like [Romans threw both hands up in the air and gave a look of distain] … It’s not right. It’s not right.”


Both Roberts and Chetry labeled the candy redistribution as “socialism,” as Romans told her story.


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