Lovelock: Warming Will Kill 6 Billion

October 22nd, 2007 10:19 PM

     Six billion dead. That’s the latest magic number from the eco-left that's designed to scare the world into global warming action. Climate extremist James Lovelock, the founder of the Gaia theory, used it predicting mankind will almost be wiped out by 2100 from global warming.


     Lovelock told Rolling Stone that predictions of the earth’s warming will be “nearly double the likeliest predictions of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.” Rolling Stone summed it up by saying “The human race is doomed,” in a story posted on its site October 17. Only as few as 500 million will survive “with most of the survivors living in the far latitudes – Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia, the ArcticBasin.”


     Ironically, the aging scientist didn’t advocate for typical eco-solutions. In fact, he said they won’t work and advocates for nuclear power. “To Lovelock, cutting greenhouse-gas pollution won't make much difference at this point, and much of what passes for sustainable development is little more than a scam to profit off disaster,” wrote Jeff Goodell. “‘Green,’ he tells me, only half-joking, ‘is the color of mold and corruption.’”


    The predictions arrive just in time for the media awash in post Nobel Prize climate change coverage. CNN is devoting a huge effort to promote its two-part show “Planet in Peril” that will be shown on the network Oct. 23 and 24 at 9 p.m.


     Lovelock isn’t even the first eco-extremist this year to say the earth is over-populated by billions of people. In May, Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society warned mankind was “acting like a virus” and 5.5 billion would die.


     Now Lovelock trumps that prediction by roughly 500 million lives. "In fact, the coming of the Four Horsemen -- war, famine, pestilence and death -- seems to perk him up. 'It will be a dark time,' Lovelock admits. 'But for those who survive, I suspect it will be rather exciting,'" wrote Rolling Stone.


      Goodell is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and a contributor to The New York Times Magazine, The New Republic and Air America. He also has written a book, “Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America’s Energy Future,” and is cited as a coal industry expert in media reports. He complains that coal poses a threat because of its contributions to global warming gases.


     Since the Utah mine collapse on August 5, Goodell has appeared on CNBC’s “Kudlow & Company” (August 6), MSNBC’s “Live with Dan Abrams (August 6 and August 14), Voice of America News (August 10), NBC’s “Today Show (August 10), various CNN appearances and CNN Headline News’ “Glenn Beck” (August 24).


     Goodell also was featured prominently by the Post, on the August 7 ABC “World News with Charles Gibson.”  and MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”