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Market Project is now the Business & Media Institute! To read more about
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Cuts Once Again Favor the Wealthy
The media are back at the same talking points about tax
cuts hurting the economy and helping only the top earners. BMI debunks
their favorite tax myths.
For Love of Money
BMIs Amy Menefee explains how the medias suspicion of The Rich
continues with Congress extension of tax cuts and what the media
arent telling you.
ABCs Dan Harris looks at governments windfall in gas taxes
Incoming Today host perplexed by basic economics
ABC mislabels non-profit CSPI in a story on soda can labeling
Higher cigarette taxes mean more smuggling (Tax Foundation)
How Patrick Kennedys dangerous driving became Ambiens fault (Reason)
Bushs border buffoonery (Reason)
Ben Lieberman: Lift tariffs on foreign ethanol (Heritage)
How the food police made us sour on a common sweetener (TCSDaily)
Whither Russias Oil?
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C. May 19
CEI Annual Dinner
Washington, D.C. May 23
here to order tickets.
Atlanta City Seminar Luncheon featuring John Stossel of ABCs 20/20
Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity
Atlanta, Ga. May 24
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