Tell the Truth 2024


VP Harris Draws Top Billing On ABC Coverage of Bibi White House Visit

July 25th, 2024 11:44 PM

The Regime Media are all hands on deck in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 campaign, furiously spinning everything related to the presumptive replacement Democrat nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris. But ABC News, as is their custom, took it a step too far.


KAMALAMANIA: Post-Biden, Nets Back To Gushing Over Dems’ Every Word

July 25th, 2024 10:16 PM

With President Biden out of the 2024 presidential race, the media have had an opportunity to collectively exhale before returning to their normal task, which is to fawn over every word uttered by the Democrats. Vice president Kamala Harris's entry into the presidential race is the latest example.



POST-BIDEN SPEECH ROUNDUP: Lots of Gushing, Lots of Ridiculous Spin

July 24th, 2024 11:22 PM

Regime Media coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech was, as expected, equal parts in vita funeral, campaign spin, and part Cleanup on Aisle 46 in terms of obfuscating the real underlying reasons why Biden withdrew from the presidential race.


REGIME PROPAGANDA: NBC Passes A Kamala Youth Commercial Off As ‘News’

July 24th, 2024 12:20 AM

We are now quite deep into the propaganda portion of the transition from Biden to Harris. How deep? NBC News is basically running youth commercials as “reports”.


MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Demands That the UAW Bend the Knee to Kamala Harris

July 23rd, 2024 12:48 PM

The upheaval at the top of the Regime have the Regime Media scrambling to hold its diverse elements and coalitions together, all in the name of Defending Democracy™. This means that unannounced allies may be compelled to pledge loyalty to Vice President Kamala Harris, as was the case with United Auto Workers union president Shawn Fain.


Real-Time History REWRITE: CBS Casts Biden as LBJ

July 23rd, 2024 12:29 AM

The first draft of history, specifically, President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from his campaign to seek reelection, is being rewritten in real time. In addition to being likened to Washington and Cincinnatus, Biden is now drawing media comparisons to Lyndon Baines Johnson.


HAGIOGRAPHY: John Dickerson Praises Biden Like He’s George Washington

July 21st, 2024 10:19 PM

The ongoing in-life eulogies of President Joe Biden, in the wake of his announced decision to not seek re-election, have veered into the ridiculous. A prime example is CBS’s John Dickerson’s lionization of Biden.


Katy Tur Calls Harris-Whitmer Ticket As ‘Pushback’ on RNC ‘Machismo'

July 21st, 2024 7:22 PM

MSNBC can’t stop, won’t stop attacking the concept of masculinity. These attacks are renewed yet again in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.


Claire McCaskill: Biden Never Had People Wishing For Someone Else

July 21st, 2024 5:22 PM

President Joe Biden’s late decision not to seek reelection has scrambled both the media’s Sunday plans and collective brains. In the wake of the expected but nonetheless surprising news, the galaxy-brain takes are flying.


TEMP NOT LOWERED: MSNBC Claims Trump Win Will Lead to ‘Dictatorship’

July 19th, 2024 10:32 AM

When viewing MSNBC’s coverage of the Republican National Convention, one is led to wonder why leadership would sideline Morning Joe, albeit briefly, but not the insane asylum airing on prime-time. “Historian” Michael Beschloss’s assessment of President Trump’s acceptance speech only serves to intensify that wonderment. 


Joy Reid Thinks Masculinity is 'White-Adjacent'

July 19th, 2024 2:31 AM

One of the media’s general subthemes of the 2024 Republican National Convention is its revulsion at the idea of masculinity. Mention it and a mental gag reflex is triggered within pampered Acela types, which makes them spout all sorts of nonsense.


CBS’s Margaret Brennan: ‘The Strongman Has a Family, Too'

July 18th, 2024 11:12 PM

Watching countless hours of the 2024 Republican National Convention is quite instructive and serves tremendous purpose, to wit: to remind everyone that the cloistered Acela Media have nothing but utter contempt for significant portions of the American public.


MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Peers Into Vance Speech, Finds a White Supremacy

July 18th, 2024 1:49 AM

The bitter leftists at MSNBC’s prime-time studio panel limited their initial reactions to Ohio Senator JD Vance’s vice presidential acceptance speech to stylistic observations. Additionally, there was some light grousing about Vance’s exclusion of such MSNBC content bait as abortion and Project 2025. Even racial bomb-thrower Joy Reid showed some initial restraint. 


MSNBC Disrespects Gold Star Families, Frets Over Kamala Harris Instead

July 18th, 2024 12:06 AM

There is a jarring disconnect between the elite media, especially leftwing Acela Media, and the rest of America. And it is not often that we get such jarring examples of that disconnect as MSNBC’s treatment of the portion of the Republican National Convention devoted to honoring the memories of our brave service members killed during the ISIS-K attack on the Hamid Karzai International Airport…