TV vs. Trump in '18: Lots of Russia, and 91% Negative Coverage (Again)
The Media’s Ugliest Attacks On Gun Rights Supporters
In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, the liberal media immediately launched another gun grab attempt by exploiting the horrific tragedy that occurred in Parkland, Florida. Network and cable journalists blamed gun owners and gun-rights organizations for the “slaughter of our children.” The following is a collection (so far) of the media’s ugliest attacks on gun…
Hate for School Shooter Enabling GOP, Love for N.Korea’s ‘Princess’
In the past month liberal journalists have blamed “domestic terrorist” enabling Republicans for the Parkland, Florida school shooting tragedy, depicted Donald Trump as an “ethnic cleansing” “dictator” and decried Fox News as a “racist outfit” that is a “noxious stain on American society.” On the other hand, the media fell in love with North Korea’s “first sister” of Kim Jong-un as they…
News Outlets Jumped to Promote Russian Organized Anti-Trump Protests
Evening News Spent Hour on Porter; Ignored Congressional Dem Abusers
Olympic Coverage Just Latest Example of NBC Cozying Up To Dictators
CNN/MSNBC Cover Ryan’s $1.50 Tweet 74x More Than Pelosi’s ‘Crumbs’
Nets Find 3.5x More Controversy in Releasing Memo Than Claims vs. FBI
Since the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), voted on Monday to release a memo detailing alleged misconduct and legal abuses by the FBI, the three major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have been acting like the mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. Between January 29, when the vote was held, and February 1, the networks dedicated roughly three…
ABC, CBS Highlight Senator Menendez Not Getting Retried for Corruption
Nets Downplay IG Report in McCabe Resignation, 6x More Trump Blame
The FBI was caught off guard Monday when Deputy Director Andrew McCabe decided to kick off his retirement early and resigned his post with little fanfare. Speculation swirled over why he chose that day to call it quits but the liberal networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) decided only one person was really to blame: President Trump and his desire to obstruct justice. That despite the fact that other…
CNN Gives 11x More Coverage to Trump Scandals than Immigration Plan
Missing Texts Between Anti-Trump FBI Officials, ABC/NBC Censor!
Trump and Republicans a ‘Danger’ to Children and ‘Non-White People’
Efforts by President Donald Trump and Republicans to secure the border and let Americans keep more of their money sent the liberal media into hysterics over the past month. On MSNBC, the President was called a “white supremacist” who was a “danger to non-white people” for wanting to tighten immigration enforcement. The following is a collection of the most heinous outbursts from liberal…