
5 Insane Democrat Bills That Broadcast Networks Are Ignoring

May 4th, 2023 8:33 AM

Broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have ignored a slew of radical bills introduced in Democrat-controlled state legislatures —  a conspicuous move, considering the heaps of airtime they recently spent on Tennessee and Montana state lawmakers. However, of the five bills highlighted in this piece, only one received any coverage: a mere 23 error-laden seconds from CBS.


Hey Look! All of a Sudden the Nets Care About Hunter (Sort of)

May 1st, 2023 9:59 AM

Stunningly, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC)  networks are actually getting out of their censorship mode (for a while) to actually cover the Hunter Biden scandal.


Nets Spend 658 Minutes on Trump, 0 Seconds on Biden Family Corruption

April 6th, 2023 9:48 AM

Over 20 days (March 16-April 5) ABC, NBC, CBS filled their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with over 658 minutes (10 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds) of Trump investigation coverage compared to ZERO seconds spent on Biden family corruption stories. On average, network audiences saw almost 33 minutes per day of Trump investigation…


10 Lies the Nets Are Letting Biden Get Away With

March 8th, 2023 10:00 AM

It’s not just the gaffes. President Joe Biden has a serious and well-documented problem when it comes to repeatedly telling outright lies. We at NewsBusters wanted to look at some of the most egregious fibs Biden has made just during his administration and how much time (if any) the broadcast networks devoted to knocking them down.


STUDY: TV News Shields Biden From Blame Over His Inflation Disaster

February 13th, 2023 2:05 PM

A new study from the Media Research Center finds the overwhelming majority (84%) of TV news coverage of the ongoing inflation disaster failed to mention President Biden or his administration — and when reporters did discuss the President, they mostly depicted him as working to solve the problem, rather than blaming him for causing it.


10 Brand NEW Hunter Biden Breaking Stories the Nets Are Burying

February 7th, 2023 9:58 AM

On Wednesday, Congress begins their first public hearings on President Joe Biden’s family, including his son Hunter and his ties (revealed in his infamous laptop) to foreign companies. These hearings give the broadcast networks a new opportunity to actually cover these new developments. The following are 10 brand new Hunter stories the networks have censored.


Coverup: Networks Silent as Top Dem's Kid Arrested for Assaulting Cop

January 24th, 2023 9:37 AM

Broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have been silent about the arrest of Jared Dowell, the adult child of Congresswoman Katherine Clark (D-MA), for allegedly assaulting a police officer during a riot. Since the arrest late on Saturday, January 21, none have spent even a second of airtime on the incident, despite Clark being the House Minority Whip.


Lib Networks Reward Biden Ploy to Bury Absolutely Awful Border News

January 23rd, 2023 8:45 AM

This weekend, ABC, CBS and NBC did exactly what the Biden administration hoped they would do by giving just 25 seconds to a devastating new report about the crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border.


CENSORED! Nets Hide Elon’s Explosive Twitter Files On Hunter Scandal

January 18th, 2023 10:00 AM

MRC analysts reviewed ABC, CBS, NBC morning, evening and Sunday roundtable shows from December 2 (when the Twitter files story broke) through the morning of January 18 and found only CBS (barely) covered the Twitter files story on Hunter. 


STUDY: Cable News POUNCES on Suspensions, Yawned at Twitter Files

December 16th, 2022 1:30 PM

CNN and MSNBC are pouncing on Twitter’s suspension of several liberal journalists, but those same cable news giants had about 15 times less interest in evidence of the same platform’s suspensions, blacklists and shadow banning aimed at conservatives when the so-called Twitter Files were released two weeks ago.


Georgia Run-Off: Walker 88% Negative News, 71% POSITIVE for Warnock

December 1st, 2022 8:30 AM

With the decisive Georgia run-off just days away, a new study by the Media Research Center finds the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have blasted GOP candidate Herschel Walker with 88 percent negative coverage, while Democratic incumbent Raphael Walker has enjoyed 71 percent positive press.


Evening News Spends ONLY 11 Seconds on Warnock Child Support Scandal

November 17th, 2022 1:00 PM

The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening newscasts have almost completely buried Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock’s child support scandal, spending only 11 seconds on it since September 1. In stark contrast, the network evening newscasts (September 1 - November 16) flooded their airwaves (36 minutes, 21 seconds) with stories of women accusing his GOP opponent Herschel Walker of paying for…


STUDY: Broadcast Networks Bury FTX CEO’s Massive Donations to Dems

November 17th, 2022 9:52 AM

Sam Bankman-Fried, the embattled CEO of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was a massive donor to the Democratic Party. But you wouldn’t know it from the reporting on the big three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), who have so far almost completely hidden that salient detail from their audiences. All told, discussion of Bankman-Fried’s extravagant bankrolling of the Democratic Party…

Joe Biden, Dylan Mulvaney and the Collapse of the West

October 27th, 2022 5:32 PM

This week, President Joe Biden held an interview with a TikTok influencer named Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a man -- a former Broadway star in “The Book of Mormon” -- who less than a year ago decided that he was a woman. Ever since, he has made daily videos titled “Day X as a Girl.” These videos range from the stereotypical (on Day 1, Mulvaney announces, wearing drag, that he has cried three…