Tom Jensen
New Poll: MSNBC Ranks Low in 'Trust List'; Fox News Comes in First Aga
January 31st, 2014 5:57 PM
For the past five years, the left-wing Public Policy Polling organization has asked a sample of TV viewers which news outlets they trust the most and the ones they believe the least. This year's version resulted in a low finish for MSNBC, far behind the Fox News Channel, which has topped the list ever since the annual poll got underway.
This year's numbers show that 35 percent trusted the…

NPR Touts Planned Parenthood-Commissioned Poll on Contraception Mandat
February 7th, 2012 5:20 PM
Is a Planned Parenthood poll really newsworthy? On Tuesday, NPR spotlighted a PPP poll commissioned by the abortion giant which found that a majority apparently supports a federal government mandate on birth control that violates the religious liberty of Catholic institutions. The network also trumpeted how "the poll...suggested that Mitt Romney...could pay a price at the polls" for opposing…