Philip Seymour Hoffman

New Yorker Writer Claims Heroin Helped Philip Seymour Hoffman Performa
February 5th, 2014 10:20 AM
Of all the stories written about the tragedy of the life of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman being cut short by heroin, the most bizarre has to be the article written by Lee "Sockpuppet" Siegel at the New Yorker. Unbelievably Siegel has actually found an upside to Hoffman's heroin addiction. He claims that it helped Hoffman's performances. I kid you not.
Here is Siegel coming close to glorifying…

Kurtz Ignores MSNBC's F-bomb in 'Reliable Sources' Segment About Halpe
July 3rd, 2011 2:19 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz began Sunday's "Reliable Sources" talking about Mark Halperin's infamous D-word said of Barack Obama on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Thursday.
Rather hypocritically, there was absolutely no mention of the following F-bomb dropped during prime time on MSNBC's "The Last Word" just three days prior (video follows with partial transcript and commentary, vulgarity warning):