Julie Roginsky

FNC Panel Targets Media Coverage of 'Unproven' Cruz Story
March 28th, 2016 3:40 PM
Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel critiqued the media's attention on the National Enquirer's cover story about multiple alleged affairs involving Senator Ted Cruz. Howard Kurtz noted that "the dilemma for the press here is whether to run with these unproven allegations." The Daily Caller's Gayle Trotter asserted that the press "shouldn't run with it, because the story itself shows that the…

Hannity's 'Great American Panel' Discusses NewsBusters
January 20th, 2011 12:01 PM
Guests on Hannity's "Great American Panel" referenced NewsBusters yesterday as a leading watchdog of the liberal media.
Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky likened NewsBusters to liberal blogs that attempt to, as Fox News anchor Sean Hannity put it, monitor conservative shows for phrases that "they can take out of context and target advertisers to try to silence opposition or get them fired…