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Amanda Drury
Cramer: 'Mass Panic' in Markets Tomorrow After 'Shocker' GDP Released
August 26th, 2010 5:00 PM
It is a curious phenomenon - the way the media have handled the economy since President Barack Obama has taken office. Generally the coverage has been on the optimistic side over the last 18 months. But could this blind optimism come back to haunt people that trade on economic metrics? According to CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer, it will and in a big way on Aug. 27, when the new gross…
Former Majority Leader Dick Armey Credits CNBC's Santelli for Sparking
August 19th, 2010 3:33 PM
February 2009 was a pretty dark time for the conservative movement. The arguably most liberal president in the history of the United States has been sworn in to office just weeks early. The Congress had solid Democratic majorities in both chambers. And there were overtures that only way to save the nation from suffering the worst of a downtrodden economy was through an avalanche of costly…