Mitch Butler

CBS Uses Cartoon to Spread Liberal Anti-Perry Talking Points
September 13th, 2011 5:28 PM
On Tuesday's Early Show, CBS targeted Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry by using their 'Fast Draw' animators to depict the Texas governor as gun-slinging, right-wing extremist. Cartoonists Josh Landis and Mitch Butler turned to a Texas journalist who claimed that Perry "would turn back the clock. He would take America back to where there was basically no safety net" [audio clips…

CBS Laments 'Dangerous' Vaccine/Autism Link Talk -- But Used to Spread
February 1st, 2011 11:15 AM
On CBS's Sunday Morning, 'Fast Draw' cartoonist Josh Landis commented on people believing in false claims despite evidence to the contrary and warned: "Some false beliefs might make you laugh but others are dangerous, like the belief, debunked again this month, that vaccines cause autism."
But CBS News didn't admit to viewers that while that belief has been repeatedly disproved by scientific…
Comic on CBS 'Early Show': Americans 'All to Blame' for Oil Spill, Bei
June 7th, 2010 2:57 PM
Promoting his latest HBO special on Monday's CBS Early Show, comedian Robert Klein turned his attention to the Gulf oil spill and who's to blame: "...we're all to blame. We're pigs. It's a parable for us. American pre-eminence is not guaranteed and unless we learn that this stuff has dangers – where are all those 'drill, baby, drills' now?" [Audio available here]Those comments were prompted by co…