Rachel Carson

#Nutso: Check Out This Far-Left CNN Article on MLK’s Socialism
January 15th, 2018 1:00 PM
To mark Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, CNN.com uncorked a stunningly crazy piece by CNN enterprise writer John Blake about modern day lessons from King such as his supposed status as “an environmental hero” and the need to embrace socialism since “[h]e was a socialist before it was cool.”

Google Honors Radical Environmentalist Rachel Carson on Her Birthday
May 27th, 2014 2:22 PM
The liberals at Google honored radical environmentalist Rachel Carson on their home page, Tuesday, in honor of what would have been her 107th birthday. With the Google logo in the background, an illustration featured the late Carson in the wilderness, next to birds, turtles and butterflies. Clicking on this picture will bring web browsers to a search of all things Carson. Journalists, Al Gore…
Left Turns Rachel Carson into Hero for Children
September 20th, 2012 4:38 PM
The left wants to tell children a story about the founding of modern environmentalism, but their fairy tale version ignores the grim reality.
Storybooks abound about Rachel Carson, the marine biologist who wrote “Silent Spring” nearly 50 years ago. In fact, there are 130 children’s books about her available through Amazon.com that teach children to idolize Carson and how to become liberal…
School Named After Al Gore and Rachel 'DDT' Carson Built on Toxic Soil
September 6th, 2010 10:45 AM
A new school will be opening in Los Angeles next Monday that is named after Nobel Laureate Al Gore and Rachel Carson, the woman almost single-handedly responsible for DDT being banned in the '70s.Even more delicious than the names associated with the new $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences is that it was built on land thought to be highly-contaminated with various…
'Mini Page' Propagandizes to Children, Touts Radical Environmentalist
April 22nd, 2010 12:51 PM
In advance of Earth Day, the Mini Page, a children's supplement that appears in 500 newspapers across the country, touted radical environmentalist Rachel Carson, whose baseless crusade against DDT caused the death of millions. (To read about her deadly legacy, go here.) Under the headline, "Happy Birthday, Earth Day," the April 18 edition provided no information on the negative impact of Carson's…