Joel McHale

CBS's 'The Great Indoors:' Millennials Just Say 'No' to Gay Support
April 7th, 2017 7:30 AM
Thursday night’s episode of CBS’s The Great Indoors, “Party Paul,” revealed an interesting take on gay pride. As in, there should be none. At least not in the form of supportive comments from straight “allies.” Unless you want to be subject to eye rolls and groans of annoyance, that is.

'The Great Indoors' Mocks Coddled Millennials Having to Face Real Work
November 11th, 2016 12:50 AM
When you’re in the real world, you have to work for a living. But when you’re in the coddled special snowflake millennial world (or maybe a liberal campus), you can work with all of the amenities of a five-star hotel. Because, as we all know, no job can be done without a frozen yogurt machine.

As Correspondents’ Dinner Comedy Act, McHale Denigrates Republicans
May 4th, 2014 2:02 AM
Joel McHale, the comedy performer at Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, delivered some zingers at the cable networks, the President and Democrats, but reserved his political invective for Republicans, the only group whose motivations he impugned – specifically, as racists.
His very first joke: “Good evening Mr. President — or, as Paul Ryan would call you,…
Olbermann Ignores Fmr 'Worst Person' Novak's Death, Once Suggested Wil
August 21st, 2009 11:07 AM
Even though conservative columnist Robert Novak was talked about and attacked many times on MSNBC's Countdown show -- especially as host Keith Olbermann frequently devoted time to the Valerie Plame case -- the MSNBC host did not take time this week to report on Novak's passing. In fact, even though he reported on Novak's hit-and-run car accident last year just before Novak's brain cancer…