Lawrence Wilkerson

Uncontested CNN Guest: ‘There Was a Little Cheating’ to Reelect Mitch
Disconnected from reality didn’t begin to describe what occurred on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront on Monday night. Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was his usual unhinged self when he proclaimed that the 2020 presidential election was perfect before claiming (without evidence) “there was a little cheating” in Kentucky to reelect Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. And completely…

Michael Moore on Real Time: 'Fascism Is at the Doorstep'
During Friday’s edition of HBO's Real Time, panelist and leftist documentary maker Michael Moore reiterated a point frequently made by host Bill Maher that “fascism is at the doorstep” and issued a call-to-action: “The vast majority believe in women’s rights, environmental stuff, don’t put people in jail for using drugs. All of that stuff, the majority are with us. We are the majority. Why don…

MSNBC: 'Racists All Over' 'RepubliKlan Party'; Trump 'Security Threat'

MSNBC Guest Paints 'the Jews' as 'Biggest Enemy' of Mideast Christians
Wilkerson: Cheney May Have a ‘Physiological’ or ‘Biological’ Problem

Former Powell Aide : 'Won't Say What I'd Like to Do to Schumer'