John Burnett

NPR Misleads on Gun Supporters' Use of 'Come and Take It' Motto
October 3rd, 2016 3:58 PM
On NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday, John Burnett hyped the objections of a few residents of Gonzales, Texas to gun rights backers' use of the town's slogan from the Texas Revolution. Burnett played up how "some Gonzalians are taken aback to see that Second Amendment activists have appropriated 'Come and Take It,' and substituted an assault rifle for their hallowed cannon." However, he failed to…
Shock: NPR Airs Positive Story About Catholic Saint, Forgiveness
November 26th, 2015 10:20 AM
John Burnett's Sunday report on NPR's Weekend Edition about a nationwide tour centered around a Catholic saint certainly stands outs, as the liberal radio network has a long record of hostility to Christianity in general and, specifically, Catholicism. Burnett spotlighted how the remains of "Saint Maria Goretti, patron saint of purity and mercy, drew tens of thousands of the faithful" across the…
Media Talk Up Pot Legalization as Possible Answer to Bad Economy
April 22nd, 2009 8:07 PM
The economy is already in rough shape, but some think we should let it go to pot - literally. Pro-legalization advocacy groups are promoting the possibility that legalizing marijuana could provide some economic relief, and the media has eagerly explored the idea. On April 20, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) aired TV ads calling for marijuana legalization. They…