Dan Lipinski

Chuck Todd Hints Democrats Should Stop Funding Pro-Life Candidates
May 22nd, 2019 4:20 PM
On Tuesday's MTP Daily, MSNBC host Chuck Todd again put on display the fact that journalists are so far to the left on abortion that they actually sometimes press Democrats to go even further left instead of making an effort to look balanced. As Emily's List president Stephanie Schriock appeared as a guest, Todd repeatedly suggested that Democrats should be more strident about pushing abortion…

MSNBC Shuns 'Pro-Life' Tag for Lipinski; 'Looking for Next Conor Lamb'
March 18th, 2018 11:14 PM
On Sunday afternoon's MSNBC Live with David Gura, MSNBC senior politics editor Beth Fouhy appeared as a guest to preview upcoming congressional elections and she employed the typical journalistic double standard of using the "pro-choice" euphemism that supporters of legal abortion prefer while staying away from the "pro-life" label that abortion opponents prefer to be labeled by.
To Stand Up and Serve
May 15th, 2011 6:10 PM
"I heard someone say yesterday that the last years had been completely wasted as far as he was concerned. I'm very glad that I have never yet had that feeling, even for a moment," Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in April of 1944.
Horrified by the Nazi treatment of Jews, the German Lutheran pastor would join the conspiracy against Hitler and ultimately be hanged in a prison camp the next…
Christianity Today's Bland Interview with Pro-Life Democrat
August 28th, 2008 4:43 PM
Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as pro-life Democrats. And yes, there are some in Denver at the party's nominating convention, even if the mainstream media don't interview them.Christianity Today has found a few and has been covering them at the magazine's CTPolitics blog. But if you are looking for tough questions, you won't find them from staffer Sarah Pulliam in her interview with…