John Aravosis
CNN Panel Whitewashes Media Bias on Gay Marriage; 'In the Middle
April 2nd, 2013 5:20 PM
Sunday's Reliable Sources was absurdly generous to the media for their coverage of the same-sex marriage debate, calling them "in the middle" and denying having seen any "rudeness" toward social conservatives.
Host Howard Kurtz teed up gay rights activist John Aravosis by asking, "Are the media waking up to the fact that this is a civil rights issue?" Meanwhile, Aravosis claimed the press is…

Howard Kurtz Scolds Mika Brzezinski for Moderating White House Forum o
April 9th, 2012 12:29 AM
As NewsBusters reported, President Obama praised Mika Brzezinski Friday after she participated in a White House forum regarding the President's performance on women's issues.
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday's Reliable Sources took issue with this asking his guests, "Should an MSNBC anchor be moderating a White House event and talking about celebrating what the administration has accomplished?" (…

Howard Kurtz Doesn't Know Why 'So-called Liberal Media' Ignore Left's
April 17th, 2011 6:42 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz is either astonishingly naive or so strongly in the tank for Barack Obama that he's willing to ignore the totally obvious to assist the President's reelection efforts.
On Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Kurtz actually discussed with far-left guests Joan Walsh of Salon and John Aravosis of - without ever disclosing the painfully inconvenient truth! - why the "so…
CNN's Kurtz: Do Conservative Commentators Want a Successful Terrorist
May 9th, 2010 1:50 PM
Howard Kurtz on Sunday actually asked if right-wing pundits are hoping for another successful terrorist attack against our nation in order to harm President Obama politically?Potentially even worse, this disgraceful question was posed to a far-left leaning blogger who certainly was going to say "Yes."Discussing the media's coverage of the Times Square car bomb attempt with his guests on CNN's "…
Kurtz: Should Fox Personalities Like Glenn Beck Speak At CPAC
February 21st, 2010 6:05 PM
Howard Kurtz asked an interesting question on Sunday's "Reliable Sources": Is it appropriate for Fox News hosts and contributors to be making political speeches at events like this weekend's CPAC?Given Saturday's extremely successful keynote address by Glenn Beck, as well as the controversial nature of the rising star, such a question seemed inevitable. But there was still something peculiar…
Howard Kurtz Thinks The Press Is Too Soft On Republicans
February 21st, 2010 4:50 PM
When this arrived at my e-mail inbox Sunday, I thought a usually reliable tipster was playing a joke on me.But after reviewing the video and transcript of this morning's "Reliable Sources" on CNN, it's become apparent that Howard Kurtz really did ask two of his guests if the press is currently going soft on the Republican Party."Every day, every week the media -- and that includes this program…
Obama Supports Defense of Marriage Act … but You Wouldn’t Know It
June 17th, 2009 10:47 AM
The Obama Administration's Justice Department threw a curve ball at the same-sex marriage movement last week, filing a 54 page-brief on Thursday in support of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The Washington Times reported on June 16 that "Gay activists are fuming ... it represents a break in President Obama's campaign promise to repeal the 1996 legislation. The Justice brief upholding DOMA was…