Kevin James

CBS’s ‘Kevin Can Wait’ Powerfully Proves God’s Existence
February 13th, 2017 9:57 PM
CBS’s Kevin Can Wait broke away from the typical Hollywood agenda of bashing of Catholics by delivering a superb message confirming God’s existence. On Monday’s episode, “Unholy War,” Kevin is filling in for a Catechism class. A student asks, “Is God real?” Kevin gives a bogus answer about praying for the Mets, resulting in their 1986 World Series victory.
Matthews Rips Guest For Ignorance of History, Then Claims Cole Attack
May 15th, 2008 6:26 PM
A Hardball epic . . . Message to Chris Matthews: when ripping a guest for his lack of historical knowledge, try to avoid making a history mistake of your own in the same segment.It happened on this afternoon's Hardball. After lambasting a guest for not knowing his Neville Chamberlain history, Matthews surmised that the attack on the USS Cole in October, 2000 happened under . . . President Bush.…