Kelly Ripa

Amidst Journalistic Fluff, Barack Obama Gets a Tough Question...From a
May 30th, 2014 12:18 PM
Much of the network coverage on the Veterans Affairs scandal has been light on questioning Barack Obama. It took former football player Michael Strahan to come up with a tougher query for the President. During an interview on Live With Kelly and Michael, Strahan lectured, "But a lot of the soldiers haven't been given the treatment, veterans, that they should have got when they come home." [See…
Samuel L. Jackson Hopes U.S. Joins 'World Community' with Barack
September 16th, 2008 5:07 PM
Samuel L. Jackson came on Tuesday's edition of "Live With Regis and Kelly" to promote his latest movie, Lakeview Terrace, but couldn't resist getting in a plug for Barack Obama. The Pulp Fiction star told Regis Philbin that when he was at the Deauville Film Festival in France, nobody really wanted to talk showbiz, instead the festival goers asked him about the upcoming election: "They're all…
Regis and Kelly Admit What More Should: 'We've Got Nothing to Say
December 22nd, 2007 1:01 PM
It certainly won't come as any great surprise to most Americans that morning personalities Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa have absolutely nothing of importance to say even though millions actually watch their program on a daily basis. Yet, what is interesting is that the two know this to be the case, and even celebrate it. Rather than being disgusted by such a revelation, one might instead wish…