Jon O'Brien

CNN Promotes Liberal Catholics’ Attack on Bishops
November 14th, 2012 3:38 PM
A November 13 piece by Dan Merica on CNN’s Belief Blog, titled Liberal Catholics Use Election Results to Battle Bishops,” promoted the same tired attacks from the left about the Catholic hierarchy daring to defend religious liberty and Catholic teachings on life and marriage issues.
Merica cited President Obama’s re-election as a spur to liberal groups to step up their attacks on the Roman…

NYT Lets Liberals Boost Obama Admin. Attack on Religious Groups
January 20th, 2012 5:02 PM
John H. Cushman, Jr. of the New York Times almost completely slanted to the left in his Friday article about the Obama administration's decision to force religious organizations to include free contraception in their employee insurance plans. Cushman quoted from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, liberal Senator Barbara Boxer and the president of notorious pro-abortion "Catholics for Choice," but…

Time Bureau Chief to Catholic Church: Just Give Up on Abortion
November 17th, 2011 5:52 PM
Time's Tim Padgett regurgitated just about every liberal talking point on abortion in an online column on Thursday which tried to claim that the Catholic Church's pro-life efforts in the U.S. were pointless and out of step with the laity: "Aren't they just wasting our time as well as their own?" Padgett cherry-picked from Church documents and quoted from the infamous pro-abortion front group…
CNN Misleads on Catholic Bishops’ Abortion Views, Quotes Only Libera
November 16th, 2007 11:38 AM
CNN, during a report on Thursday’s "The Situation Room," mislead its viewers by reporting that a new document issued by the Catholic bishops on voting stated that "the candidate who supports abortion rights shouldn't necessarily be counted out for your vote." Besides this misrepresentation, the report also highlighted the issue of denying pro-abortion politicians Communion. CNN correspondent Mary…