Sridhar Pappu

NY Times, on Time Inc.'s Demise, Rewrites History, Exposes Its Agenda
May 21st, 2018 9:15 AM
On Friday, the New York Times published "The Last Days of Time Inc." Reporters Srudhar Pappu and Jay Stowe asked more than two dozen editors and writers "to reflect on the heyday of this former epicenter of power and influence, as well as its decline." Before that, they rewrote history to make it appear that all was well until "about a decade ago." One Time reporter exposed the magazine's (and…
WaPo Praises Obama Gospel Gimmick, Skips McClurkin Spat
October 29th, 2007 12:33 PM
A major presidential candidate is straddling the fence between two key constituencies: gay voters and black churchgoers who tend to frown on homosexuality. Yet when profiling Barack Obama's gospel concert campaign swing through South Carolina, Washington Post staffer Sridhar Pappu all but left that verse out of his October 29 hymn of praise, "In S.C., Obama Seeks a Spiritual Reawakening."Gay…