
Joy Behar Suggests Abbott Deserves to Be Mocked for His Wheelchair

March 26th, 2025 3:39 PM

In the wake of far-left radical Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) again mocking Republican Governor Greg Abbott (TX) because of his wheelchair, the loony liberal ladies of ABC’s The View did their best to clean up the mess. On Wednesday, the cast tried to argue that Crockett was taken out of context, that it was only a “mistake,” and she only needed to apologize. But according to…


‘No Safe Place’: The View Melts Down Over Trump Redecorating Office

March 20th, 2025 3:35 PM

Of course, a man’s aesthetic would absolutely trigger the liberal ladies of The View. The Thursday edition of the ABC News show featured the cast having a collective meltdown over President Trump sprucing up the Oval Office with images and objects he enjoyed; you know, the thing all presidents got to do. The hot air was blowing as they freaked out over Trump’s choice of décor and…


‘They Are!’ The View Cast Yells at Each Other About Dem Infighting

March 19th, 2025 5:41 PM

The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View were eating each other alive during Wednesday’s episode. Viewers probably had to turn down the volume on their TVs as they yelled at each other and argued over whether or not Democrats were infighting about how they should have shut down the government. One yelled about how there was no infighting at all, while one acknowledge that they themselves…


‘How Is That Leadership?’ The View RAGES at Schumer for Funding Govt

March 18th, 2025 3:18 PM

On Tuesday, the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View finally got their highly anticipated chance to rage and vent at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for leading nine other Democrats to vote for the Republican Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown. Their reactions ranged from simply asking “why” to questioning his ability to lead and suggesting he should “step…


The View Touts Rosie O’Donnell Leaving U.S. Because Trump Is President

March 14th, 2025 3:16 PM

Former co-host of ABC’s The View, Rosie O’Donnell got her desperately needed dose of public attention recently after she announced that she left the United States and moved to Ireland because Donald Trump was president. The bonkers move from the insane 9/11 truther was lauded during Friday’s episode by co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro as rational.


Violence? Hostin Huffs Dems Not Willing to ‘Fight and Die’ for Rights

March 7th, 2025 1:37 PM

The rhetoric coming from Disney, ABC News, and The View was very dark and very dangerous during Friday’s pre-recorded episode. Staunchly racist co-host, Sunny Hostin lashed out Democrats and accused them of “not meeting the moment” to oppose the “existential crisis” that was President Trump. In an apparent call to violence, she demanded that they learn from older generations and be “…

NewsBusters Podcast: Unhinged Wallace Dominates Trump Speech Hot Takes

March 6th, 2025 5:59 AM

What a difference a year makes. Associate Editor Nick Fondacaro and I compared the liberal media’s reactions to Joe Biden’s final State of the Union last year to Tuesday night’s address to Congress by President Trump and found a surprising change from fawnings (in the case of Ol’ Joe) to exhaustion. Sure, they hated Trump’s speech, ranging from his policies to his showmanship with ordinary…


Whoopi Shouts Down Criticism of Dems, Behar Fears Justice Hand Shake

March 5th, 2025 4:50 PM

President Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress apparently went so well that the set of ABC News’s The View became a copium den during Wednesday’s episode. So desperate were they to find fault with Trump’s speech that Joy Behar stoked fear of Trump shaking hands with members of the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, moderator Whoopi Goldberg shouted down the one ounce of criticism…


The View Dreams Up Dem Protests of Trump: Get 'Naked and Dance Around'

March 4th, 2025 6:26 PM

With President Trump set to address a Joint Session of Congress later Tuesday night, the loony liberal ladies of ABC News’s The View racked their brains for ways their fellow Democrats could protest, make a scene, and disrupt the event. Their ideas ranged from not showing up to walking out to one insane suggestion that the Democrats “get butt naked and dance around” the floor.


The View Freaks Out Over WashPost Told to Promote 'Personal Liberties'

February 28th, 2025 3:54 PM

Apparently, ABC News and Disney were against “personal freedoms and free markets.” That was the message being sent judging by the reaction from the liberal ladies of The View, on Friday, when they were collectively up in arms over Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos telling the opinion side of the paper those American ideals were what they were going to focus on.


ABC Claims Trump Sold US to Musk and Sell Access to Jihadi Terrorists

February 26th, 2025 3:21 PM

The ABC News hosts of The View were off and running Wednesday with a plethora of baseless conspiracy theories about President Trump’s latest immigration proposal to essentially add a “gold card” (a play on green card) to the visa program. But according to the lies of ABC News, Trump had already sold the United States to Elon Musk, he would sell access to the country to terrorists via…


Behar Thinks It’s Un-American for Trump to Not Be in Prison Right Now

February 20th, 2025 2:51 PM

As of the Thursday edition of ABC’s The View, purported “comedian” Joy Behar was still having issues coming to terms with the result of the 2024 presidential election. So much so, that she resorted to retreating to their happy place: imaging President Trump in prison. And the fact that he wasn’t resulted in Behar suggesting it was “unfair” and un-American. Meanwhile, fake Republican…


‘We're Mad as Hell’: The View Commiserate on Floundering ‘Resistance’

February 17th, 2025 3:38 PM

In a pre-recorded episode of ABC’s The View, the liberal ladies celebrated Presidents Day Monday by being “mad as hell” about President Trump’s executive orders and commiserating on ways to help the “resistance” to stop spinning its wheels. Together, they threw around empty buzzwords about the need to “build community support,” look at “how they're communicating,” how they “need to…


Sunny Hostin Scoffs at Woman Burned to Death By Illegal Immigrant

January 28th, 2025 2:01 PM

There was a disturbing display of heartlessness on Tuesday’s episode of The View as ABC News co-host Sunny Hostin scoffed at the story of Debrina Kawam, the 57-year-old who was burned to death on a New York City subway on New Year’s Eve by a criminal illegal immigrant. She demanded Americans ignore such instances of illegal immigrants killing people and “care and the stats and the…