Ken Sweet

AP Waits Four Paragraphs to Reveal Size of Historic Chinese Stock Dive
July 27th, 2015 3:17 PM
Based on how they handled it today, it's pretty obvious that the Associated Press's Ken Sweet and his wire service's headline writers want the lowest possible number of users of their reporting — consumers and subscribing print and broadcast outlets — to know about the mainland Chinese stock market's historically deep 8.5 percent Monday dive.
It took four paragraphs for Sweet to get to the…

AP Writer Dodges Own Question on the State of China's Slowing Economy
June 29th, 2015 3:12 PM
The world's financial markets had a terrible Monday. The debt crisis in Greece (population: 11 million) has been dominating the headlines and the press's attention, while serious deterioration in China (population: 1.36 billion) is getting short shrift.
It isn't just that the mainland Chinese stock market has broken the bear-market decline threshold of 20 percent in less than three weeks,…

AP Blames '(Good) Weather' For April Decline in Industrial Production
May 15th, 2014 3:26 PM
It looks like the "weather" excuse the press went to repeatedly to explain weak economic results in December, and January, and February, and March still has life in April. But this time, warm weather (which most of us would find "good," at least in April) is to blame. An early afternoon report (relevant portion saved here in graphic form) on the Dow's 200-point mid-day dip by the Associated…