Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground Suffers Election Grief Shutdown
November 18th, 2016 8:05 PM
The Democratic Underground went into the election last week absolutely confident in Hillary Clinton's victory. As we shall see they were even openly gloating about her winning the presidency before the election even happened. And then the Trumpocalypse shockwave hit them hard. Very hard. In fact, they went into such a deep state of grief that their website shut down. Here is their laughable…

DUer Questions Integrity of Blog Founder Skinner Over Clinton Payments
April 3rd, 2016 12:44 PM
The Democratic Underground website is currently in an uproar. The overwhelming majority of them, Bernie Sanders supporters, are in stark opposition to the very few on that site who favor Hillary Clinton. Among the few Hillary supporters is the founder of that blog, Skinner aka David Allen, who as we have seen before is an over the top fanboy of Clinton. However, what most folks at DU probably…

DUers Slam Hillary Over Her Emails
January 30th, 2016 12:51 PM
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. ---Bernie Sanders
Actually the above quote was pretty much true for liberals, especially those at the Democrat Underground...until now. With the Iowa caucuses only a couple of days away and with much at stake, suddenly the DU supporters of Bernie have gotten very interested in those "damn emails" especially since a number…

Far Left Democratic Underground Members Discuss How to Deal With Menac
November 26th, 2013 7:01 PM
It’s the end of the year which means for about the next two months, families will be getting together for holiday festivities. To most people, November and December are something to look forward to but to the perpetually unhappy souls over at Democratic Underground, the holidays are a time of torment.
Besides the sheer horror that Thanksgiving is to those of the vegan persuasion, many DUers…