
WashPost Tries to Cover for Dem After KKK Debacle: His Pastor Is Black
February 1st, 2019 5:48 PM
Minutes after the Virginia Pilot broke the news on Friday that a 25-year-old Ralph Northam featured a KKK image in his medical school yearbook, the Washington Post jumped to the Virginia governor’s defense and informed readers that the Democrat has a black pastor and is against Confederate statues.

MRC Study Documents Virginia Newspapers' Viciously Negative Slant on G
September 7th, 2013 9:00 AM
Last year, the national media spent the campaign highlighting (or inventing) problems for the Republican ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, while downplaying or ignoring the shortcomings in Barack Obama’s record as President. Next year, we’ll find out if the media will be more successful than they were in 2010, when they attempted to marginalize and discredit conservative Tea Party candidates…