
Joy Reid Warns About 'Multi-Generational Nightmare’ Supreme Court

June 18th, 2024 9:39 PM

The future doesn’t look too hopeful from Joy Reid’s perspective. On Monday night’s episode of MSNBC’s The ReidOut, she warned her viewers of the impending “nightmare” of fresh Supreme Court nominations that would proceed from a second Donald Trump presidency.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe11-8-23

Joe Scarborough Taunts: 'If You're Against Abortion, Don't Have One'

November 8th, 2023 11:01 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough approvingly quotes an immigrant friend who, discussing the abortion issue, said, "if you're against abortion, don't have one."  Scarborough also rails against the "radical Justices" that Trump put on the Supreme Court who overturned Roe v. Wade.


CNN Host Badgers Trump SCOTUS Adviser, Picking ‘Right-Wing Extremists’

July 9th, 2018 8:56 PM
With just a couple hours before President Trump announced his nomination to the Supreme Court, CNN’s Erin Burnett brought on SCOTUS selection adviser and Federalist Society head Lenard Leo to discuss the criteria for the pick. Of course, she only focused on their positions regarding Roe v. Wade and parroted Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who proclaimed all the possible candidates just “right-wing…

Daily Beast Contributor Dismisses Scalia as 'Extremist' on 2nd Amendme

August 22nd, 2013 3:30 PM
Liberal constitutional law professor Adam Winkler took to the Daily Beast today to attack Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as an "extremist" on the Second Amendment. Winkler -- who filed a friend-of-the-court brief in 2008 backing the District of Columbia's gun ban -- drew upon an AP news wire account regarding comments Scalia made at a recent Federalist Society event about the purpose for…