Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray To Joe Biden: 'You Have The Most Glowing, Perfect Skin Of
March 31st, 2014 11:27 AM
ABC’s Rachael Ray hosted Vice President Joe Biden for a pre-taped interview which aired on Monday March 31 to push people to sign up for ObamaCare before the midnight deadline.
Ray began the segment by beaming that Biden had “The most glowing, perfect skin of any person I’ve ever seen” before telling the Vice President “I really want to know what moisturizer you use. I love moisturizers, my…

Rachael Ray and Joy Behar Gush Over Bill Clinton: 'Charming,' 'Brillia
September 20th, 2011 5:44 PM
HLN's Joy Behar and guest Rachael Ray fawned over former President Bill Clinton on Monday. "They don't just hand out those Rhodes scholarships for presidencies," remarked the Food Network's Ray, who also called Clinton "incredibly charming" and "so honest with people."
Behar was especially enamored with Clinton. "I find him extremely sexy, don't you?" the HLN host asked Ray, adding that…