Wayne Allen Root

Seth Meyers Hammers GOP for Planning to Obstruct Clinton Presidency
November 4th, 2016 5:02 PM
If there was any doubt who the host of NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers is rooting for in next Tuesday's presidential election, his “A Closer Look” segment on Thursday's program made it obvious that he favors Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton over Republican rival Donald Trump.
“With the election still five days away,” he began his monologue, “Republicans are already threatening years of…

Piers Morgan Scoffs: 'Why Would Anybody' Join NRA 'After Sandy Hook
May 30th, 2013 11:43 AM
CNN's Piers Morgan tried to resurrect his desperate push for gun control on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Live. Morgan spat on the NRA and bullied author Wayne Allen Root for joining the organization.
"You joined the NRA after Sandy Hook. Why would anybody do that?" Morgan challenged Root. He also defended Britain's handgun ban: "And guess what, we don't get anybody shot dead in Britain! We have…