David A. Lieb

At Least Seven AP Reporters Violated Their Own Stylebook in Describing
August 19th, 2014 2:40 PM
Kudos to Ed Driscoll at PJ Media, Eddie Scarry at Mediaite, and likely others in pointing out that the Associated Press has frequently violated its own stylebook in describing Michael Brown, the 18 year-old who was fatally shot in a scuffle with police in Ferguson, Missouri, as a "teen" or "teenager."
The AP's latest stylebook, in sync with the one I have from over a decade ago, states that…
AP's Article On Medicaid Expansion Leaves Out Its Cost, and How It's a
March 26th, 2013 12:26 PM
So, the Associated Press decided yesterday to write a story about Republicans – more or less – switching their stance on ObamaCare’s mandated Medicaid expansion, which targets America’s working poor, children, and the elderly. However, what the piece omits is the fact that a) it’s the most expensive provision of ObamaCare and b) the 2010 study showing people on Medicaid are more likely to…