Evie Hudak

Not News: Colo. Recall Petition Gatherers and Signers Were Harassed an
November 30th, 2013 8:42 PM
If Tea Party sympathizers and National Rifle Association members harrassed a gun-control petition effort at even one percent of the level of what recently occurred in Colorado at the hands of gun-control advocates, it would have been prominent national news.
During the several weeks, supporters of gun control menaced and intimidated petition gatherers and petition signers in Colorado who were…

Democrat Insults Rape Victim Who Advocates for Gun Rights: 'Statistics
March 5th, 2013 7:05 PM
Last year the media did their level best to tar Republicans with the offensive comments that two Republicans made related to rape victims. But now that it's Democratic legislators insulting rape victims by insisting that they cannot be trusted to defend themselves with firearms, it's a different story.
Amanda Collins, now 25, was brutally raped on campus, and was unable to defend herself…