Gerard Depardieu

French Actor: Pentagon Could Have Invented AIDS
September 20th, 2017 12:19 PM
You know something has to be bad when the Daily Beast calls it “wild.” “France’s most famous film star” Gerard Depardieu sat down with The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove, and while he delivered the kind of Trump-bashing liberal outlets adore, the actor also dished up some extra insanity to go with it -- including a conspiracy theory that the Pentagon was responsible for the AIDS epidemic. According to…
Serena Williams Slams French Taxes: 'Seventy-Five Percent Doesn't Seem
June 18th, 2013 11:09 PM
French actor Gerard Depardieu made international headlines earlier this year when he left France due to that country's exorbitantly high tax rates.
American tennis star Serena Williams apparently agrees with Depardieu telling Rolling Stone magazine, "Seventy-five percent doesn't seem legal."
Cal Thomas Column: What Price U.S. Citizenship
January 6th, 2013 10:44 PM
HONG KONG -- We read about famous people like French film star Gerard Depardieu, who moved to Belgium to avoid a 75 percent income tax on millionaires proposed by France's Socialist government (a measure rejected last week by a French council, though French leadership has vowed to resubmit a similar proposal). Then there is Eduardo Saverin, who took the extreme step of giving up his U.S.…

Open Thread: Another Rich Leftist Avoids Taxes
December 11th, 2012 10:33 AM
Today's starter topic: He hasn't been relevant in a long time but the publicity French movie star Gerard Depardieu is getting for moving to Belgium to avoid France's new income tax laws can't be good. Exit question: How do wealthy leftists who advocate for politicians who want to raise taxes justify evading them once they are raised?