Terry O'Neil
NOW Pres. on MSNBC: Carly Fiorina ‘Supports Policies That Kill Women'
September 18th, 2015 6:28 PM
On Friday afternoon, National Organization for Women (NOW) President Terry O’Neill took to the airwaves of MSNBC Live and instead of praising Carly Fiorina’s debate performance or her response to Donald Trump’s comments about her looks, O’Neill callously tore into Fiorina’s opposition to Planned Parenthood and declared that she “supports policies that kill women.”
NOW Throwing in Towel on Wendy Davis?
September 8th, 2014 9:04 PM
On MSNBC's Ed Show, NOW President Terry O'Neill gives a glum assessment of Wendy Davis' chances of winning her race for Governor of Texas: "this has always been very much an uphill battle."

Chris Matthews Compares Social Conservatism to Sharia Law; NOW Guest T
October 25th, 2012 5:48 PM
A shrieking Chris Matthews on Thursday smeared the Republican Party, comparing the abortion stances of candidates such as Paul Ryan and Richard Mourdock to those found under Sharia law. The hyperbolic Hardball anchor snarled, "I don't like to comparing anything to Sharia, but there's something about this theocratic notion that we're going to apply all our philosophical beliefs, our metaphysics…