Al Franken

Navarro: Replies To 'Champion' Menendez Show Dems Are Morally Superior
Political commentator and alleged former Republican strategist Ana Navarro argued on Tuesday’s CNN News Central that the lesson of the Sen. Bob Menendez scandal is that Democrats are better than Republicans because Democrats are distancing themselves from the “champion for the Latino community.”

Good Riddance: 95% of Late Night ‘Comedy’ Show Guests Are Liberals
With the Writers Guild of America going on strike, it is likely that America has seen the last of the first half of 2023’s late night comedy shows. Whether America wants them to return is another question as 95 percent of their guests were liberal, a NewsBusters study has documented.

Nets Can’t Help But Cover for Chinese TikTok After Disastrous Hearing
The broadcast networks were shamed into stepping up their game Thursday night and Friday morning in covering the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on TikTok as members of both parties put on one of the more bipartisan displays one could ever witness in these divisive times, but they still managed to slip in a few pathetic nods to so-called influencers.

Daily Show: Tennessee Promotes Suicide By Banning Drag Shows For Kids
Benjamin “BenDeLaCreme” Putnam of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Comedy Central The Daily Show temp host Al Franken not only alleged that Republicans in Tennessee had no idea what they’re talking about when they passed their “insidious” ban on children attending drag shows, but such laws contribute to high suicide rates.

Franken Labels Tucker Carlson A 'World-Class A*******'
Comedy Central The Daily Show temp host Al Franken and correspondent Michael Kosta took aim at Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Wednesday, implying that he is a racist and labeling him “a world class asshole.”

Daily Show Laments Its Jokes Won't End Fossil Fuels Usage
Former senator and current Comedy Central The Daily Show temp host Al Franken lamented on Tuesday’s show that his jokes will not convince people to give up fossil fuels and save the planet because “we're in for a grim future” on climate change.

CBS Sucks Up to Al Franken as He Smears DeSantis's Anti-CRT Laws
Monday’s CBS Mornings once again dedicated an entire segment to promoting the terminally unfunny and leftist “comedy” program The Daily Show while the program is featuring a cycle of substitute guest hosts to replace pseudo-comedian Trevor Noah. This week’s host is former Democrat Senator Al Franken who the trio sucked up to while allowing him to smear Florida Republican…

MSNBC: GOP, the Party of Tax Cheats, Cares About COVID's Origin?
MSNBC’s The 11th Hour host Stephanie Ruhle continued to lament that House Republicans will not be conducting their business at the whims of late night cable hosts and former Democratic senators like Al Franken as the duo spent Wednesday night labeling Republicans the party of “tax cheats” and wondering who cares about the origins of COVID-19.

Franken Runs to Acosta for Help After Getting Schooled by Jennings
On Sunday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, CNN political analyst Scott Jennings schooled disgraced former Senator and failed actor Al Franken over his blatantly false claim that Republicans in Congress will cut Social Security and Medicare if they win control of Congress in November. In fact, Jennings tore into him so badly that Franken was forced to turn to CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta for…

Franken Warns Of 'Existential Threats' Including Cruz Being 'A D***'
Former Democratic senator and Saturday Night Live cast member Al Franken guest hosted ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday and it went about as well as anyone could predict. During his opening monologue, Franken rattled off a list of supposed threats to democracy including “just how big a dick Ted Cruz is” while later he turned the show into a Democratic commercial during an…

Ruhle Laments Dems Have Facts on Inflation But Voters Don't Feel It
If MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is anything, it is that she is consistent in lamenting that voters do not understand that President Biden and the Democrats are not to blame for the country’s current economic woes. During Wednesday’s The 11th Hour, Ruhle told former Democratic Sen. Al Franken that he had the facts on his side, but unfortunately, the voters don’t “feel” that.

MSNBC Afraid Voters Worried About Economy Will Let GOP Wreck Democracy
Between crushing inflation, gas prices, and a rapid deterioration of America’s standing on the global stage, the Democratic Party has resorted to one final Hail Mary pass before the midterms: use the January 6 Committee to label the entire GOP as a threat to America and scare people into voting Democrat despite their bungling of one crisis after another. MSNBC’s Stephanie Rhule took the time…

CBS Tries to Rehab Disgraced Franken as Victim of ‘Cancel Culture’
On Tuesday, the liberal hosts of CBS Mornings welcomed on disgraced former Democratic Senator Al Franken and touted how the past Saturday Night Live performer was returning to comedy after his political career collapsed amid numerous sexual harassment allegations in 2017. Rather than grill the ex-lawmaker on his treatment of women, the anchors instead tried to sympathetically paint…

You Mean There Were More? Behold, the Worst Overnight MSNBC Hissy Fits
Just when you think we had covered all of the MSNBC meltdowns from Tuesday night over the results of the Virginia gubernatorial election and down ballot races, there were plenty more to cover from both late Tuesday and early Wednesday that, as we saw in the previous coverage, ranged from despondence to hysteria to denial of basic reality. Co-hosts Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Brian Williams…