Jonathan Fahey

AP Thinks We're Thrilled to Be 'Finally Getting Over' on Gas Stations
December 14th, 2014 10:31 AM
Here's a small window into a journalist's mindset.
In a report on how lower gas prices are affecting the companies operating retail gas stations, Associated Press reporter John Fahey revealed his apparent believes that there are millions of us walking around, perhaps including him, obsessed with getting back at gas station owners for charging us so much at fill-up time for years:

Four AP Reporters Make Excuses, All Unacceptable, for Weak March Jobs
April 6th, 2013 11:30 PM
After telling the world on Thursday that "Gone are the fears that the economy could fall into another recession," it seems that the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber needed some help explaining away Friday's weak jobs report from the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The AP had four reporters on Friday evening's coverage, all seemingly in search of a viable excuse for another "…

AP's Fahey Worries That High Gas Prices Might 'Put Pressure' on Obama
August 11th, 2012 7:56 AM
Friday afternoon, the Associated Press's Jonathan Fahey couldn't get four paragraphs into his report on higher gas prices nationwide without starting to fret about their impact on President Obama's re-election effort.
He also wanted readers to understand without any doubt that President Obama and the by inference his government bear absolutely no responsibility for the recent run-up to a…

It's All About Him at AP: 'Lower Oil Prices Ease Load on Consumers and
May 16th, 2012 8:44 PM
Really, the only surprise is that consumers came before Obama in the headline -- because Obama came before the economy in the underlying article.
A late-day dispatch from Jonathan Fahey and Paul Wiseman at the Associated Press even found someone to say that history will be on Obama's side if gas prices fall to below $3.50 a gallon or so by Labor Day. Excerpts follow (bolds are mine):