Brad Tuttle
TIME Trumpets Mock Amazon Reviews of Wendy Davis's Sneakers
June 28th, 2013 5:00 PM
Unwritten but widely understood rule among left wingers for media coverage of filibusters: when done by conservatives, death knell of democracy, obstruction for obstruction's sake, close cousin to fascism; when done by liberals, heroism personified, this is what democracy looks like, cue Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
It wasn't enough for leftward media types to enthuse this…

TIME Business Writer Attacks Superman Movie for... Product Placement
June 4th, 2013 6:09 PM
It's one thing, perhaps, for a major movie critic to grouse about product placement in a major motion picture and deem such an action a "sell out." But when a business writer does so, it kind of makes you scratch your head.
Take TIME magazine's Brad Tuttle, whose beat his profile describes as covering "personal finance, travel and parenting, among other topics." In a June 4 piece headlined "…

Time Writer Asks Why Drivers Aren't 'Flipping Out' About Gas Prices, F
April 10th, 2012 4:30 PM
"Gas prices are soaring again in 2012, yet the auto industry is booming, and drivers, while annoyed, are mostly taking rising fuel costs in stride. What’s changed?" Time magazine's Brad Tuttle asked in an April 10 TIME Moneyland blog post. Tuttle offered numerous explanations but failed to consider the media's coverage as one explanation for why Americans seem to not be seething angry about…