
Liberal Media Attack Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘Catholic Jesus Batsh*t Cult’
September 23rd, 2020 8:42 AM
As Judge Amy Coney Barrett is rumored to be one of President Trump’s likely nominees to replace recently departed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal media are in overdrive trying to tear her down and ruin her path to the nomination.
Vulgarity at Liberal Websites
July 22nd, 2007 11:53 AM
What's up with all the vulgarity at liberal websites? The reason I'm asking is a poster named "Thers" at the liberal Whiskey Fire blog referred to yours truly this morning as a "Poor little f****r." Why was I bestowed such a dishonor? Well, Thers was either displeased with the suggestion that Saturday's announcement of "24" going carbon neutral proves the show not to be conservative, or…