Sharon Epperson

CNBC Moderators' Speech Patterns Grade At or Below GOP Candidates'
October 30th, 2015 9:34 PM
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And people who ridicule the level of others' speech patterns should check theirs first.
CNBC didn't do that. Instead, on Thursday, as I noted in a previous NewsBusters post, it childishly rushed out a grade-level evaluation of the Republican presidential candidates' speech patterns during the first three debates, including the Wednesday train wreck…
After Debate, Harwood Ducks Rubio Lie as Epperson Trashes Fiorina
October 29th, 2015 3:14 AM
Just a few hours after their atrocious performance in the third Republican presidential debate, two of the co-moderators from CNBC joined MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to double down on their liberal stances with John Harwood refusing to admit he lied regarding Senator Marco Rubio’s tax plan while Sharon Epperson trashed Carly Fiorina and how Republican candidates supposedly “don't really care about the…
Santelli’s Plea to Obama: Use TARP, ObamaCare Tactics to Drill Now a
April 1st, 2010 5:42 PM
Green jobs to save the American economy? If you have listened to the various politicos on the left end of the spectrum, especially before and after the passage of the $787-billion stimulus package earlier, you would think that is the cure-all. But so far it isn't working and there are other fundamental problems that lie ahead according to some energy market analysts, like much higher oil…
'Today' Sees 'Help' in White House Remedy for Foreclosures
March 29th, 2010 4:04 PM
The Obama administration is trying out a second big-government remedy for people facing foreclosure, but NBC's "Today" failed to mention criticism of the initial program or provide any free-market solutions. The White House has now tapped $14 billion in TARP funds to expand the administration's existing mortgage assistance program. Matt Lauer introduced the "Today" show March 29 discussion of…