Rich Noyes

MRC's Noyes: Trump Must Continue to Expose ‘Sloppy’ Media’s Spin
February 25th, 2017 3:00 PM
The MRC's Rich Noyes on Friday appeared on Fox News to discuss reports that the White House is blocking some media outlets from an off-camera press gaggles. The research director suggested an alternative path, saying Donald Trump should continue to “criticize them.” He added, “If you have a problem, point them out, showcase it. Make sure everybody understands why that was sloppy journalism and…

MRC’s Noyes: Media Plays ‘Definitional Games’ with Terrorist Attacks
February 7th, 2017 6:36 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox Business Network’s Risk and Reward on Tuesday and called the media out for playing games with terrorist attacks. “So they have to stop trying to play games with this and definitional games and deal with this,” he explained to host Liz MacDonald, “You know, put all 78 together, and you got yourself a major terrorist threat that has been going…

MRC’s Noyes Blasts Media Hypocrites on Trump’s ‘Wealthy’ Cabinet
December 3rd, 2016 3:15 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on the Fox Business Network, Friday, to blast a journalistic double standard on Donald Trump’s “wealthy” cabinet. Responding to the Washington Post's whining about net worth, the MRC research director highlighted, “President-elect Trump is picking people with actual success. They're not wealthy by chance. They are wealthy because they're successful…

The MRC’s Rich Noyes: NYT Chose ‘Conclusion First,’ Then Reported
November 13th, 2016 10:39 AM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox News’ Fox and Friends Sunday to discuss The New York Times’ so called “apology letter” to their subscribers for their terrible reporting during the election, that didn’t really sound like an apology. “Yeah, you’ve got to admit what you've done wrong if you're going to try to get it right in the future,” scolded Noyes, “And I think what The…

Noyes: Media Is Even More Discredited When Trump Acts Presidential
November 11th, 2016 1:47 PM
On Friday afternoon, Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes took to the airwaves of the Fox Business Network (FBN) and Cavuto: Coast to Coast to blast anti-Donald Trump demonstrators as not “passionate” but “rioters” and “criminals” baited by the liberal media that, if they continue acting up, will only paint them as spreading “partisan fear-mongering.”

MRC’s Noyes Talks about Media’s Hostility to Trump with CNN’s Stelter
October 30th, 2016 2:34 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday to discuss his recent study, in which he discovered that an overwhelming 91 percent of network evening news coverage of Donald Trump was hostile to the candidate. “Tell us about how you came to that conclusion,” inquired host Brian Stelter, “What does that 91 percent number represent?”

MRC’s Noyes on Media Attacks on Comey: ‘We've Seen this Play Before’
October 30th, 2016 12:33 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox and Friends Sunday, where he called out the liberal media for journalists “willing to step forward and carry some of that water” for the Hillary Clinton campaign’s push back of FBI Director James Comey. “Unless you think he's lying about the timeline he explained in his letter to congress, he was briefed about this and felt the need to…

MRC’s Noyes Hammers Media Burying Hillary Scandals, Harping on Trump
October 27th, 2016 9:08 PM
Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes continued his media blitz by appearing on the Thursday installment of Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to promote his must-read study on a stunning disparity by the major broadcast networks in coverage of Donald Trump’s scandals versus Hillary Clinton’s pitfalls.

FNC’s ‘Outnumbered’ Obliterates Media’s Trump Bias, Clinton Collusion
October 26th, 2016 4:51 PM
One of the many news outlets to cite the now-viral study by my colleague Rich Noyes about the massive slant in anti-Donald Trump network coverage was Wednesday’s Outnumbered on the Fox News Channel (FNC) and the assembled panel used it as a launching point to excoriate the double standard in propelling Trump to the nomination but now turning on him.

MRC’s Noyes Blasts Media Burying Wikileaks News for Trump 'Avalanche'
October 11th, 2016 2:27 PM
Media Research Center’s Research Director Rich Noyes made his latest Fox Business Network (FBN) appearance on Tuesday afternoon and expounded upon the massive, 15-to-1 disparity of major broadcast network coverage about Donald Trump’s lewd 2005 comments conerning women versus a Wikileaks document dump involving Hillary Clinton.

MRC's Rich Noyes Calls Out Debate Moderators on Lopsided Interruptions
October 10th, 2016 11:12 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox Business Networks’ Risk and Reward Monday to discuss the bias of Sunday’s presidential debate moderators. Noyes noted that the moderators Martha Raddatz of ABC and Anderson Cooper of CNN interrupted Donald Trump by a roughly 2-1 margin. “But it was more than interruptions. You know, they were challenging Donald Trump,” he continued, “They…

MRC’s Rich Noyes Slams Media, ‘Double Standard’ with Health Reporting
September 12th, 2016 11:08 PM
The Media Research Center’s Research Director Rich Noyes joined Elizabeth McDonald on Fox Business Network’s Risk and Reward Monday, to discuss the media’s lack of questions regarding Hillary Clinton’s health. McDonald noted that a Huffington Post writer was recently fired for raising such questions, and that there were more than just him. “Given what happened on Sunday, it’s the journalists who…

MRC’s Noyes: Lauer Criticism Will Give Holt Pause in Pushing Hillary
September 8th, 2016 7:18 PM
Media Research Center research director Rich Noyes appeared early Thursday night on the Fox Business Network (FBN) program Risk and Reward to analyze the liberal media’s crusade against one of their own in NBC’s Today co-host Matt Lauer for grilling both presidential candidates the night before at a veterans forum and predicted that pressure will be on his colleague Lester Holt to go easy on…

Noyes Decimates Media’s Double Standard on Trump vs. Iran Coverage
August 4th, 2016 2:18 PM
On Thursday afternoon, Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes appeared on the Fox Business Network (FBN) and exposed the latest double standard by the liberal media harping on various controversies befalling Donald Trump while giving minimal time to the disturbing story about the U.S. giving Iran $400 million when the Islamic country released four captured Americans.