
HAMAS MEDIA: NBC Laments ‘Human Cost’ of Israeli Hostage Rescue

June 18th, 2024 11:17 AM

The media’s apologia for Hamas sinks to a new low, as NBC News runs a piece lamenting the “human cost” of the daring IDF raid that rescued four hostages held by Hamas within civilian residential areas.


VIDEO: Why Are Journalists Knowingly Helping Hamas Spread Propaganda?

October 30th, 2023 11:31 AM

The media haven’t learned anything from last week’s Gaza hospital blast debacle. Despite repeated embarrassments, reporters for liberal cable and broadcast networks are still treating Hamas — a terrorist organization — as a reliable source in their ongoing coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


NBC Breaks Out 'Extreme Right' Label as Israel Works to Save Hostages

October 7th, 2023 12:05 PM

NBC’s Raf Sanchez picked the worst possible time to break out the “extreme right” labeling as he reported from Israel on Saturday’s Today in the aftermath of the massive Hamas terrorist attacks and the possibility that the “extreme right” Israeli government may decide to invade Gaza to rescue the hostages there.


Nets Hail Radical Pro-Abortion Protesters Fighting Pro-Life ‘Threat’

October 4th, 2021 4:45 PM

Following radical pro-abortion activists taking to the streets across the country on Saturday, the leftist broadcast networks quickly went to work cheering on the protesters “marching for themselves and for their daughters” and fighting against the “threat” of pro-life policies. Reporters particularly hyped the “passion” of demonstrators “calling out lawmakers and the Supreme Court.”

Napolitano Statement on Air Travel Delays Directly Contradicted by Air

March 4th, 2013 10:37 PM
According to the first paragraph of Alicia's Caldwell's report today at the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, Homeland Security Secretary Janey Napolitano told attendees at a Politico breakfast this morning (Politico's coverage is here) that, in Caldwell's words, "U.S. airports, including Los Angeles International and O'Hare International in Chicago, are already experiencing…