Public Policy Polling

Heilemann Schools Morning Joe for Pushing 'Dumbest Poll I've Seen'
March 28th, 2018 11:25 AM
Wednesday marked the historic day that MSNBC Contributor John Heilemann would hold Morning Joe panelists to a standard of honesty rarely seen on the show. When hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski interpreted a transparently inconsequential poll as a portent of a Trump defeat in 2020, Heilemann objected, soundly dismissing both the poll and their analysis of it.
New Poll: MSNBC Ranks Low in 'Trust List'; Fox News Comes in First Aga
January 31st, 2014 5:57 PM
For the past five years, the left-wing Public Policy Polling organization has asked a sample of TV viewers which news outlets they trust the most and the ones they believe the least. This year's version resulted in a low finish for MSNBC, far behind the Fox News Channel, which has topped the list ever since the annual poll got underway.
This year's numbers show that 35 percent trusted the…

MSNBC's Matthews Obsesses Over 25% of Republicans Favoring Secession
December 5th, 2012 4:56 PM
Chris Matthews is not one to let a pesky thing like facts get in the way of a favored liberal narrative. That's why, for example, on the Oct. 22 edition of Hardball he insisted the 9/11 assault on the Benghazi compound was "all about" the YouTube video "Innocence of Muslims," when by that time it was most clearly established that it was a premeditated terrorist strike.
Well, yesterday,…