Nick Denton

The Rise and Resilience of Conservative Women
October 29th, 2010 11:13 AM
My military friends have a favorite saying: "If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target." This campaign season, conservative women in politics have caught more flak than WWII Lancaster bombers over Berlin. Despite daily assaults from the Democratic machine, liberal media and Hollyweird — not to mention the stray fraggings from Beltway GOP elites — the ladies of the right have…
The Sport of Self Deprecating Jew Bashing at Gawker Media
September 13th, 2007 9:16 AM
I should have known that elite Manhattan gossip site Gawker was a piece of crap the minute I saw the New York Times endorsement on the Gawker Media advertising page."…the national go-to spot for keeping up with the rich and scandalous, the media elite and the pop-culture trends of the moment." -New York TimesLet’s add self deprecating Jew bashing as another go-to category for Nick Denton’s…