Michael Needham

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN Sunday Shows Ignore Planned Parenthood Scandal
July 19th, 2015 2:29 PM
Last week, the Center for Medical Progress released a damning undercover video in which a senior official at Planned Parenthood discussed the organization’s practice of manipulating an abortion to salvage baby parts to be sold for medical research, but ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all ignored the story during their Sunday morning political talk shows. Fox News Sunday was the only one to cover Planned…

On Fox News Sunday, Williams Says Opposition to Obama Is 'Old, White
August 4th, 2014 6:46 PM
It would almost not be worth noting, because it's so predictable. On Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams, with strategic support at opportune times from National Journal's Ron Fournier, characterized the support within the Republican Party for impeachment as coming from "Tea Party opposition ... (with) no diversity, it's a white, older group of people."
What makes it worthy of notice is the fact…
Battle Ensues On Fox News Sunday Over Existence of Racism In Oppositio
August 3rd, 2014 3:32 PM
On Sunday, August 3, a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace broke out into a heated debate over whether or not opposition to President Obama’s policies had racial undertones. Juan Williams, former NPR reporter and current Fox News contributor, argued that "the Republican Party has become almost a completely white party."
For his part, Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action…